MESAF and Coursera Collaborative Partnership: 3,800+ Free online Courses and 400 Specializations

COURSERA is a world-wide online learning platform founded in 2012 that offers massive open online courses (MOOC), specializations, degrees, professional, and master track courses. COURSERA works with universities and other organizations to offer online courses, certifications, and degrees in a variety of subjects. The online courses they provide are engineering, data science, machine, learning, mathematics, business, financing, computer science, digital marketing, Medicine, Humanities, Biology, social science, and others. COURSERA courses last approximately four to twelve weeks, with one to two hours of video lectures a week. These courses provide quizzes, weekly exercises, peer-graded assignments, and optional Honors assignments, and sometimes a final project or exam.

Somaliland Ministry of Labor & Social Affairs has established an official collaborative partnership with COURSERA online academy in which about 50,000 young Somalilanders can benefit from 3,800+ courses along with 400 specializations. University of Hargeisa students from different colleges, faculties, and recent graduates are advised to benefit this opportunity and register for related/interested courses available. The Somaliland government will offer free access until September 30, 2020, and learners enrolled at that time will continue to have access to finish their courses until December 31, 2020.

Click this link to register:

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