picture Credit:



The University shall have 10-point grading system ranging from A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, and F. These letter grades shall carry the values shown in the table.


Grading System for New Students


Percentage Score Letter Grade Quality Point Equivalent Remark
95 – 100 A+ 4.00 Excellent


90 – 94 A 4.00
85 – 89 A- 3.67
80 – 84 B+ 3.33 Very Good
75 – 79 B 3.00
70 – 74 B- 2.67 Good
65 – 69 C+ 2.33 Satisfactory


60 – 64 C 2.00
55 – 59 C- 1.67 Pass
50 – 54 D 1.00 Poor
Below 50 F 0.00 Fail


Academic achievement in all the undergraduate  programs of the University, with the exception of courses and programs shall be graded on the letter grade system and in the manner provided in this sub-Article 61.1.


Unless otherwise provided grade point averages are determined by dividing grade points earned in a semester by the number of credit hours attempted in that semester.